Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Law banning items from rearview mirrors is being rethought"

The author, Matt Helms, is explaining how Michigan lawmakers are considering re-leagalizing hanging items from rearview mirrors. He explains that this law is often ignored and is silly to keep. 

The best quote is "'Some things are gaudy, and I could understand banning that, but this air freshener doesn't distract my view,' said Ortiz". This quote shows that this law is not specific enough, and needs to be changed. This quote shows that people are frustrated and somewhat angry with this law. It shows that people understand the law and know what is safe, and unsafe. I like this quote because it expresses that this law is pointless.

I believe that this ban is ridiculous, and should be replaced with the new law which is being considered. There are some circumstances that this law can be effective and save lives, but there are other instances that make this law illogical. The fact that police officers are allowed to pull you over and ticket you for having something hanging from your mirror "it's just silly for police to pull somebody over for that." For something that has such minor importance, time should not be spent enforcing such a "silly" law. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mitch Albom's Article on Lebron James.

Mitch Albom's article about Lebron James states that people always search for something to blame.  I completely agree with Mitch's argument. Many people will take the easy way out of things and blame others for reasons that are not sensible. These attacks on people serve no purpose, and only cause trouble. If Lebron was white, this argument would have never arisen.

I think that Albom's best point is in his last paragraph. It reads "If people shamefully want to grab race as a parachute to safety, they'll do it. You don't have to pull the cord." This quote expresses that the easy way out of things are not always the best decision. People need to put their differences aside and look at the talent.